Sterling is hovering around seven cents above last week's lows as many
short-term participants better position themselves for the UK to vote to say in
the EU, even though many opinion polls show a statistical dead
heat. The German Constitutional Court dismissed claims that the
ECB's Outright Market Transactions does violates the German
Italy's run-off for local elections was
held over the past weekend. The 5-Star Movement (MS5) emerged
as the second most important political force in Italy, capturing the mayoral
posts in Rome and Turin. MS5 candidates won nearly where ever they
ran. They drew support from right and center voters. It appeared MS5
candidates campaigned not on ideological positions, but on the promise for more
efficient and less corrupt local government. This seemed to have helped Raggi secured a little more than 2/3 of
the vote in Rome to become its first woman mayor.
The former center-left (PD) was forced out last year due to financial
scandal. Raggi campaigned for greater transparency, including how
local public contracts are awarded, had
wide appeal. Of course, the MS5
candidates are not the first to promise such basic reforms. However, by
actually delivering better local government could catapult the MS5 on the
national level.
On one hand, the newly elected MS5 candidates have sufficient time before
the next parliament election that must be held by May 2018. On the other
hand, a national election could be forced sooner. The key Italian political
event this year may not be these local elections, but the constitutional
referendum in October.
As a critical part of the political
reforms, Prime Minister Renzi is seeking constitutional changes that will
weaken the Senate. The reforms would slash its size by more than 2/3
and strip it of much of its power, including its ability to topple a
government. Renzi, who is Italy's third successive unelected
Italian Prime Minister, has indicated he views the referendum as a vote of confidence.
If his constitutional changes are not accepted,
he promised to resign.
In part, Italian politics have entered a new era. Berlusconi,
who was the last elected Italian Prime Minister and who has dominated, is a
waning power. This is facilitating
a realignment in Italian politics. Renzi's PD continues to be the largest
political force, though remember, like all political parties, it too is a
coalition with its own fissures.
The MS5 is challenging the center-right to be the second biggest party.
The far-right Northern League does not appear to be drawing the center-right
vote, though it has a newly rejuvenated
Spain goes to the polls this weekend. Its political landscape
is also in transition. The national election at the end of last year was
unable to produce a workable government. Although the polls suggest very
little movement since then, many are hopeful of a different result.
Rajoy's Popular Party (PP) likely remains the largest political force, but it
will not secure a majority. Its
most likely partner is the new Ciudadanos, but the cost of a coalition may be a replacement for Rajoy.
Moreover, the latest polls suggest such a coalition may still not secure a
Since the December election, Podemos appears to have done the best.
It merged with a former communist group to form Unidos Podemos ("Together
We Can"). It appears to be polling around 25%-28% and with its
close allies could secure 85-95 seats, up from 71 seats in
December. The problem is that
it is drawing support from the Socialist, which previously was the second
largest party behind the PP. The Socialists are polling 21%-22.5% of the
popular vote, which may translate into 78-85 seats. It got 90 seats in the
December election.
Parliament is 350-seats, suggesting it is possible that Unidos Podemos
coupled with the Socialists could form a majority government. One of
the difficulties is that Podemos has been insisting on recognizing Catalonia's
right for a referendum on its independence, which
the Socialists have rejected. However, as the Lib-Dems experienced
in the UK and the SPD have experienced in Germany, the Socialists in Spain
would jeopardize their standing (branding?) if they were to support a minority
government or join the center-right in a coalition government.
Over the past one- and three-month periods, Spanish assets have
outperformed Italian assets. Spain's 10-year bond yield is off six bp over the past month, twice the decline
that Italy's 10-year benchmark has experienced. Over the past three months, Italy's 10-year yield is up
nearly 20 bp while Spain's has risen seven
Both countries equities markets have fallen over the past month, while
the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is up a little less than one percent at the same time. Italy is off one percent, and Spain is off 2%. During
the past three months, Italian shares of
off 6.7% and Spanish shares of down 3.8%. The Dow Jones Stoxx 600i is
It may take a week or two after the Spanish election to see if a
government can be formed. There
is much pressure to do so. If a government can be formed, then the focus
will shift to negotiating with the EU about this year's budget overrun and next
year's plans. The leaders of Italy's PD are expected to meet at
the end of the week. However, after the summer, the October referendum
may cast a pall over Italian assets and may lead to some under-performance.
European Politics Beyond the UK Referendum
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
June 21, 2016