Six years after the US economic contraction
ended, the Federal Reserve has still not raised interest rates.
Inflation has not accelerated as so many predicted. The economy is chugging
along in an irregular fashion. The US economy appears to have ground to a
near halt in Q1 15.
Lawrence Summers pulled together various
elements that had identified this as the new normal. He drew on the
work of Alvin Hansen, who in the 1930s suggested a secular stagnation.
Just as Hansen sketched his argument on the eve of a new expansion in the US so
too did Summers. Summer's proposed his secular stagnation hypothesis in
November 2013. After a mostly weather-induced contraction in Q1 14, the
US economy grew a 4.8% annualized clip between April and September, the fastest
in over a decade.
Summers identified the problem as one of
chronic under-investment. This leads to falling per capita incomes
and stagnant demand. This would generate politically unacceptably
high levels of unemployment. This has been avoided with the creation of
serial asset bubbles His solution is to boost public investment, through
deficit financing.
While the US sorely needs greater public
investment, it is not clear that this is will address the problems Summers
identifies. The key issue is how to spur aggregate demand. The
public works programs of the New Deal, which Summers seems to hearken back to
without citing them per se, was coupled with another set of policies that is
all too often ignored in this discussions. Over the last 30-40 years,
private sector unions have been gutted. The New Deal facilitated stronger
Few observers, including Summers, link the
disparity of wealth and income to the weakness in aggregate demand.
And even fewer see the link between this condition and the weakness of
precisely those organizations whose raison d'etre is reducing the disparity and
boosting aggregate demand. It was Samuel Gompers, the founder of the
American Federation of Labor that defined his vision as getting workers
"more now".
Summer's deficit financed public investment
does not address this key issue. Here is what it means in hard
numbers. The National
Employment Law Project delved into the Bureau of Labor Statistics and
found that whopping 42.4% of all employees in the US earn less than $15 an hour
or $31k annually. Yes, there are some young people and students in
this mix, but nearly half (46.4%) are 35 or older.
The 0.9% rise in March retail sales was the
first increase in four months and the largest increase in a year. Yet
it was still a disappointment. The component used for GDP calculations
rose by 0.3%, but this was not sufficient to offset the decline recorded in
January and February. To the extent that Americans are shopping, and the
personal consumption component of Q4 GDP rose by 4.4% at annualized rate the
strongest since 2006, they are doing so without revolving debt (credit
Summers rightly argues that businesses today
do not have the capital needs they had in the past. Rather than takers
from the capital markets, corporations with their huge cash holdings are now
net providers. Boosting aggregate demand may not happen simply because US
roads, bridges, and ports are modernized, the power grid is upgraded and
the state-of-the-art networking capability is provided. All of these things may
be desired in their own right. However, the best way to boost aggregate
demand is to ensure that a greater share of productivity gains go to wages
rather than profits. Stronger unions offer a non-statist way
to overcome Summer's secular stagnation.
Aggregate Demand and Secular Stagnation
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
April 14, 2015