
Great Graphic: Wikipedia's View of the World

This Great Graphic is from Imgur, though I saw it first on a tweet from Amazing Maps.  It is derived from calculating the word frequency of the English language Wikipedia page for the specific country.    To be clear, it does not tell us how the people of a country see itself or the frequency a word used in search by the nationals.  It says more about the Wikipedia writers, perhaps, than something larger.  The fact that the  most common word in Mexico's Wikipedia page is "Indegenous" [sic} is rather peculiar.   

There are a number of countries, especially in Europe, that the most common word on their Wikipedia page is "world".  Some may compare this with "war" in the US, but before repeating some refrain of America is from Mars and Europe is from Venus, consider that the "world" that is being referred is likely world as in World Wars and global conquest.  .   Still, it is fun and provocative.  What more can we ask?

Great Graphic: Wikipedia's View of the World Great Graphic:  Wikipedia's View of the World Reviewed by Marc Chandler on August 22, 2014 Rating: 5
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